Book 1

Markets | Trading | Refining | Transportation

Book 2

Unconventional Oil and Gas | Commercial Contracts | Transparency

Book 3

Climate Change and Emissions | Technology | Regulations

If you need to know about the evolution, current status and future of the global oil and gas industry, these reference books are an important and substantial guide. Together they provide a uniquely comprehensive picture of the technical and legal and aspects about the global markets today, challenges and likely trends over the next 30 years. Each chapter has been written and peer reviewed by experts in a style that is understandable to anyone wanting a well-informed and accessible overview of this primary energy resource for the world today. These books are ideal for technical or non-technical professionals directly or indirectly involved in the hydrocarbons industries, investors, students, politicians and economists and everyone interested in this important industry.
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Also available from Aberlour Press, The Technical and Legal Guide to the UK Oil and Gas Industry combines technical information and related commercial issues on each stage of field development from licensing through to decommissioning.

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